Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Work

Why are people posting colors on facebook?

Possible Image 1

Possible Image 2

The answer to this question happens to do with breast cancer awareness. Women are posting their bra colors as their status' on Facebook as a way to remind other women to do self breast exams.
As an answer to these questions I photographed a couple images of actual bras. Another way of addressing this question was to take images of items that filled the entire frame with one color. I was the most intrigued with white. There are so many various shades and hues that still read as "white". I also considered the idea that the majority of bras are sold in white.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

After WIP 2 Review

I presented my new work along with various presentation styles at critique. I came to the decision after some suggestions by my class to present the work as follows:

Here you can see the google screen shot is presented as a label or title of the artwork. I will now be working on making my own google label since the actual screen shot is too small and extremely hard to read because it is so busy. I want it to look like google classic (unfortunately right now Google classic has a strange olympic themed logo instead of its original.)

Presentation Styles

For midterm I am planning on having a couple different presentation styles ready to show to have my peers comment on. During my last review it was suggested that I show the work in a diptych style with the google screen capture on the left side and my image/answer on the right side. I have made a digital mock up of what that will look like.

This image on the left is the largest size my screen shot can print in its highest quality. I wonder if i should shrink the answer image on the right to be the same size. I could potentially enlarge the screen shot to the answer images size and have a loss of quality- which might enhance the digital/ electronic-ness of the entire project. I also considering creating a website for the project as the main way of presenting it.

New Work

Why did I get married too?

Possible Image 1

Possible Image 2

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Work

Why are black people so loud?

Possible Image 1

Possible Image 2

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


So as it turns out the top ten search phrases for "Why" has changed since I began my project. After my last critique my class suggested displaying the photograph as a diptych with the a Google screen shot on one side and the photograph on the other.
Considering doing this I am going to change my list of titles to accommodate the new search phrases. The list in order is now as follows:

why do men have nipples
why is the sky blue
why is my poop green
why are black people so loud
why did i get married too
why can't i own a canadian
why do dogs eat poop
why are people posting colors on facebook (new)
why do cats purr
why did the chicken cross the road

Friday, February 5, 2010

Artist Doing Relevant Things

I just found another artist working with the web. This guys name is Joel Holmberg and he just kinda collects cool stuff from the internet.
In this video Holmberg works with Google suggestions. He uses the prompt word "slam" then types each letter of the alphabet to see what Google suggests to him. He reads each of the Google suggestions in a rhythmic pattern alluding to slam poetry maybe?
Regardless, It's awesome.

He is a part of an artist group that collect and compile interesting things from the web. They post about it all on this website. Definitely worth browsing through guys.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

After Midterm Review

The review.
Well I was a little disappointed in how little most people were paying attention to each others blogs and general progress.
We were told to pin up some questions we had about our work next to our photos on the wall. Then we walked around and posted questions we had about other peoples work.
Most of the questions I received asked what the concept of my series was. Or they asked how on earth the images related to one another. I suppose if everyone came into the crit a bit more informed I would have felt like I received better feedback. Regardless this gave me a lot of time to think about how I am going to give an artist statement and also how I am going to display the titles of my images.
It was suggested in critique that I explore using a diptych. One side would ask the question and the other side would answer it. I will post soon some samples of the work being displayed in such a manner.

Monday, February 1, 2010

More photos about other questions

why do cats purr?
I'm not sure what the answer is to this. My cat purrs all the time. Sometimes it when she's happy or comfortable. Then again some cats never purr. Regardless I felt that this photo has a soft comfortable feel that reminds me of a purr.

why is the sky blue?
the sky isn't always just blue.

why do dogs eat poop?
I think my answer has something to do with the fact that is basically tastes the same or is the same thing.